Our goal for Squad swimmers is to provide a training environment that allows everyone to succeed to their desired ability, our Swim Coaches work in with local Swim Clubs to assist the club and its members on achieving the best possible result and race conditions including starts, turns and finishes are all further progressed.
Squad programs are not just for racing, a large number of our squad children are there for fitness and recreation instead of competition, our professional staff will work to increase your child’s ability and help them to achieve their desired outcome.
The introductory squad level is Bronze, with lessons lasting for 30 minutes. Students are competent in swimming 50m in all four strokes and are given drills that emphasise speed, endurance and technique. Effective tumble-turns and race starts are further enhanced.
Our Silver level runs for 45 minutes and students will have a greater emphasis placed on stroke correction with competition and race endurance, swimming distances at this level and times are also increased, preparing swimmers for swimming competition’s.
Building on the work achieved in the Silver squad, our Gold squad is for competitive swimming and swimming club members. The swimmers and coaching staff look to improve times while continuing to build on strength and stamina. The pace clock comes into play and swimmers will follow a custom-made swimming program tailored to their individual needs.